Sneezy is Melting....I mean Dissolving???
Try out a fun science experiment about dissolving a "snowman". This science activity goes along with the book "Sneezy the Sn

December STEM Day
Here is fun Christmas STEM activity to use in your elementary classroom or homeschool. I describe how I used these 6 STEM challenges with m

STEM in a Baggie: How to do STEM Activities on a Budget
STEM has been an exciting idea in the classroom in recent years. The idea is to incorporate science, technology, engineering and math...

Giving Thanks for Literature
I love books. If you have ever been in my home, you know this. I have wall to wall bookshelves in my "formal living room". There a...

How I Makerspace On the Cheap
I know Makerspace is a big buzz word right now. You can find so many cute Makerspaces for the classroom when you search on Pinterest,...

Design a Monster: A Makerspace Activity
If you have read some of my other posts, you know that I love combining science and literature. You also know that I love the "How to...

Makerspace...So That's What Its Called
For a long time, I have been teaching classes at co-ops that were considered by my children as their absolute favorite. I didn't have a...

'Dem Bones: Fun with "Bonaparte Falls Apart"
I love picture books. My favorite magazines are Scholastic Book Fliers. I can't wait to see what new treasures are in our local library...

My New (School) Year's Resolution
Many people make resolutions on January first. They feel that a fresh new calendar is the perfect time to make promises for a better...

Today We Are Leprechauns (Part 2)
I hope you have had a chance to read about my students' adventures with the book "How to Catch a Leprechaun" by Adam Wallace and Andy...