How I Makerspace On the Cheap

I know Makerspace is a big buzz word right now. You can find so many cute Makerspaces for the classroom when you search on Pinterest, and it is enough to make you go crazy. In case you haven't heard, teachers already spend too much of their salary buying supplies for their classrooms. Now you want us to go out and buy bed frames to use as a Makerspace? Are you kidding me??? And don't get me started on those craft stores. It started with adorable metal rolling carts for only $30, but that wasn't enough. Oh no, you need to have tiny little silicone holsters and pockets to hang all over the cart. At $10-$15 per pocket, it is a wallet draining disaster. So what is a poor teacher to do. I'll tell you, you look around your house and do your own Makerspace project.
Like most teachers and moms, I have tons of plastic shoe boxes. I have had them for years. And when they are new for only $1-$2, they are affordable if you don't already have them. I also have shelving units sitting around. It was just time to repurpose one. The one in my picture was purchased several years ago for an independent learning station that has lost its steam. It is designed for holding shoe boxes. With four shelves, it holds 12 boxes.

Now what to put in the boxes. Again, I took a quick trip to my craft closet to see what I already had. All my pipe cleaners and wire went into one box. Another box held yarn and string. Wooden craft sticks and shapes filled another box. Tiny pom poms were a special treasure that I had to convince my daughter to give up. In the end I had filled nearly 25 boxes with "stuff" that was perfect for the creative student to put to good use. I can set out 12 boxes at one time, so I am able to swap out their supplies occasionally.

My kids have had so much fun knowing they can use these boxes whenever they have some free time. They enjoy the freedom of creating whatever they like. And I enjoy knowing that I haven't spent more than $5 so far in the process. I know that eventually the supplies will be consumed. But I am hoping that a donation letter I will be sending out will replenish our supplies and bring in new fun things to use.
So go look through your house or classroom. What do you have that you can turn into a Makerspace? And don't break the bank in the process!
Happy Creating,