Where Have All the Good Games Gone???

I was looking through the toy catalogs for new games for my family. We love to play a good game together. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of good choices out there if you start looking. But I am disappointed by the many games targeted at children that are just designed to make us look foolish. A few years ago, it all started with the fun game where you get to have a handful of whipped cream smashed into your face. Things got better when you could play a game with a toilet that sprays water on you when you flush it. And, with our poo emoji obsessed world, you knew it would happen...poop games. Yes, you can try to walk blindfolded through a minefield of play dough poop. Or, if you would rather, you can go fishing for "floaties" in a toilet shaped arena.
But this year, I really had to question our choices when people are willing to pay over $50 to buy a monkey with a butt that gets larger when you pull its finger...until it finally passes gas with lovely sound effects. I can see why children would love these games, but I can't figure out why adults are willing to buy them. There are so many better choices out there.

If you are looking for a good family game that is quick to learn and easy for kids, try this one from Game Wright. Game Wright is known for quality games with great graphics and sturdy pieces. My dinosaur obsessed seven year old loves this game. It was easy to understand. The pictures make it easy to play even if you can't read all those crazy dinosaur names. It is best played with 3-4 players, but can be played with 2 players. There are so many good choices if you check out their website gamewright.com. Some other good games include Qwixx and In A Pickle.

Santorini is a new favorite in our house. It is played by 2-3 players, or in teams if you have 4 or 6 people. It is a great strategy game. You need to build towers and move your pieces up and down around the board. You win by climbing onto the 3rd level of any tower. But watch out, your opponents can block you by placing a dome on the top of a tower. It is very fun and very tricky. My teen-age daughter has beaten me every time. The 11 year old enjoys playing, and even the 7 year old can jump in on the easy version. Once you master the easy version, you can add Greek god and goddess cards for advanced powers.

Machi Koro is another family favorite. It is difficult for the youngest kids, but the preteens, teens and adults love it. Your goal is to build a city. And you do that by gradually adding stores and farms to your town. It takes a bit of strategy and a bit of luck, as you rely on the role of the die to tell you what you can do each time. But the older members of the family always have fun playing this game.
Do yourself a favor this year. Invest in a good game that will last for years. Don't be swayed into purchasing the latest potty humor based game. Your family will appreciate it. It is so much more rewarding to win a game by using your wits. And grandma doesn't have to worry about getting whipped cream out of her hair.